Protect Brand Equity:
Social Media Marketing Made Safe

Managing dozens, sometimes hundreds, of brands, networks, users and accounts is complex and risky.
You need accountability and tracking so you know who’s doing what and who’s saying what.
The value and prestige of your brand must be protected in order to ensure current and future sales.

The Pitfalls:

  • Social media postings have little time for formal review. Manual routing takes too much time.
  • Large account teams are difficult to monitor for quality and message appropriateness.
  • Personal and corporate accounts must be kept separate and secured.

The Consequences:

  • Profanity and personal messages are accidentally posted.
  • Sensitive product or service information can be shared.
  • Brand equity, and sales, can be seriously harmed.

A Better Way: Connect More, Sell More

  • Your customers want to interact with your brands via social media. They crave education, information, and engagement in order to connect with you, and buy from you. Social media helps you be meaningful and memorable as buying decisions are being made. Stand out to your best customers and help them become your best sales people.

    SocialVolt is used to manage some of the world’s largest, most valuable brands. The benefits are numerous:

    • Simple social media listening, moderation and account management.
    • Protection against inaccurate, malicious or profane content.
    • Audit, search and sort - proxy logins track all users and their activity.

Six ways SocialVolt makes your social media brand communications more efficient and profitable.


Brand team members appreciate processes and tools that streamline and facilitate great work.


Team members work more quickly and more precisely.


Executives gain more confidence and appreciation for the content.


There is less wasted time among frontline social media marketers.


SocialVolt solution experts provide on-going training and staff support.


Success is measured and monitored using concrete variables such as tweets, mentions, likes, shares – and sales.

With SocialVolt, you can manage social media across the enterprise, from marketing and customer support to sales and product development. Maintain control, reduce risk, and empower staff at all levels. The result is more efficient, cost-effective social media marketing for your brand.